The Tragedy of romeo and juliet

Act I:

Prologue: Two respected families of Verona break out in renewed violence due to an old grudge. The son of one enemy and the daughter of another commit suicide, which buries the parents' quarrel.

Scene I: A public street in Verona. SAMPSON and GREGORY, servants of CAPULET, enter carrying swords and shields. Sampson says that if they get angry, they'll draw their swords. They are angry at a 'dog' of the house of MONTAGUE. Gregory declares that to be brave is to stand still. Sampson says that when he is finished with the Montague men, he'll be cruel to the maids- he'd rape them. ABRAHAM and BALTHASAR, two servants, enter. Gregory and Sampson draw their swords, but Sampson wants them to begin instead. They thumb their nose at Abraham and Balthasar. Sampson denies that he is thumbing his nose at them when Gregory tells him that the law is not on their side. They argue. BENVOLIO, a Montague, enters. He orders the fools to cease. TYBALT, a Capulet, enters, and says that he is going to fight Benvolio. Benvolio says that he is only trying to make peace, but he is forced to fight Tybalt. Some officers and citizens enter an fight. Finally, Capulet and LADY CAPULET enter, and he wants to fight. Lady Capulet says that he needs a crutch, not a sword. MONTAGUE and LADY MONTAGUE enter, and like Montague, he wants to fight but his wife does not. PRINCE ESCALUS enters and tells all to listen. He ends the dispute, and orders all to leave except Montague, Lady Montague, and Benvolio. Capulet is to come with him. Montague is to come to him this afternoon to find out what he is going to do in hiss case. His castle, Freetown, is the common judgment place. Benvolio tells Montague that Capulet's servants fought with his, and he tried to separate the two, then Tybalt arrived, which exacerbated the problems. Lady Montague asks where ROMEO is, and he tells them that he went for a walk that morning in the woods to get away. Montague says that he has been upset recently, and has secluded himself in his room. They do not know the reason for his behavior. Romeo enters, and Benvolio is sent to find the cause of his anguish. Romeo says that he is out of love- the one he loves doesn't love him. Romeo laments the hateful love and the loving hate. Benvolio cries because of his good heart's grief. Romeo does not want to increase his sorrow, so he wants to leave. He says that he is not himself. Romeo says that the one he loves has sworn to live always as a virgin. Benvolio says to forget her, and to set his eyes on other women. Benvolio says that he will change his mind.

Scene II: A street. Capulet, PARIS, and a servant enter. Capulet says that he and Montague are under bond and facing the same punishment. Paris says that it is pitiable that they are fighting for so long. Paris asks him about his proposed marriage to JULIET, and Capulet says that Juliet is much too young to be married- fourteen. Capulet says that Juliet is his only child now and the only hope. He gives Paris permission to seek her consent. That night they are to have their masquerade banquet, and he can kick a lot of game there. He tells the servant to walk about Verona and give people their invitations. The servant, however, cannot read. He finds help from Benvolio and Romeo. Romeo reads the invitation list, and the servant says that there is a masquerade at his master's house. He invites Romeo, on the condition that he is not a Montague. Benvolio says that at this party all the beautiful girls of Verona will go. Benvolio says that Romeo's former love, ROSALINE, is only beautiful because he has nothing to compare her with. Romeo agrees to go.

Scene III: A room in Capulet's house. Lady Capulet asks a nurse to call down Juliet. Lady Capulet says to the nurse that her daughter is at the marrying age. On July 31, Juliet will be fourteen. The nurse thinks upon memories of Juliet's childhood. Lady Capulet asks Juliet about marriage, and she says it is an honor that she has never dreamed of. Lady Capulet says that Paris wants to marry her, and that by marrying him, she will not lower her position. Juliet says that she will look at Paris with the intention of liking him, but she won't look any further than they wish her to look.

Scene IV: A Street. Romeo, Benvolio, and MERCUTIO enter with five or six other masqueraders. Romeo asks if he should give a formal introduction speech, but Benvolio say that those speeches are out of fashion. Romeo does not want to dance; he offers to carry a torch instead. Mercutio tells Romeo that if love is rough with him, be rough with love. Romeo says that it is not intelligent to go to the masquerade. He dreamed a dream that night, and so did Mercutio. Mercutio says that Queen Mab, the fairy, has been with him. He gives an elaborate speech, but Romeo stops him for talking nonsense. Romeo fears unpleasant events.

Scene V: A hall in Capulet's house. Servingmen with napkins enter. They are panicked. Capulet enters, and offers his guests to dance. It has been a long time since the Capulets have had a masquerade. Romeo asks a servant who the lady is over at the other side of the room. He thinks she is beautiful. Tybalt overhears, and recognizes the voice of a Montague. He wants to kill Romeo for interfering with their party. Capulet stops Tybalt from killing him. Capulet allows him to stay. Romeo speaks to Juliet. He kisses her, then kisses her again. A nurse calls her away. Romeo realizes that Juliet is a Capulet. Benvolio advises him to leave, but Capulet tells them not to go. All but Juliet and the Nurse leave. Juliet orders the Nurse to ask about Romeo. She tells her that he is the only son of their great enemy. She feels it is horrible that she must love a hated enemy.

Act II

Prologue: The chorus declares that Romeo's love for Rosaline is dead. He has been bewitched by Juliet's beauty, but unfortunately she is considered his enemy. This makes courting her more difficult. Unfortunately, Juliet has even fewer means to meet Romeo. Love, however, gives them power.

Scene I: A lane by the wall of the Capulet's orchard. Romeo climbs the wall, and Benvolio and Mercutio enter, looking for him. Benvolio tells Mercutio to call him, but he says he would rather conjure him up with an incantation. He invokes Romeo to appear by even mentioning Rosaline. Benvolio says that his love is blind, and best befits the dark. Mercutio says that if live is blind, it cannot hit its target. They decide to leave.

Scene II: Capulet's orchard. Romeo says that Mercutio makes fun of scars when he has never felt pain. He sees Juliet at her upstairs window. He silently implores her to take the uniform of virginity off. He says that he wishes he were the glove so that he could touch her cheek. She calls for him, and asks him to renounce his Montague heritage, and she will no longer be a Capulet. She asks what is in a name. He says that he is neither Romeo nor a Montague if she dislikes either. He says that he flew over the walls on the wings of love. Juliet fears that her relatives would murder him if they realized he is there. He says that the dark night will hide him from their eyes. He said that love told him how to get there. She blushes because of what she has said. She says that she will play hard to get if he thinks her too easily won. She tells him not to swear by the fickle moon that changes monthly. She says for him not to swear at all; he is the god she worships. He wants her to exchange love's faithful vows with him. The nurse calls her inside, so she exits. However, she soon returns to say a few more words before good night. She says that if he wants to marry her, to send word tomorrow by someone she'll send. The nurse calls to her persistently. She tells him to send a messenger by nine o'clock. He says that it will seem like twenty years until then. She says that parting is such sweet sorrow.

Scene III: Friar Laurence's cell. FRIAR LAWRENCE, with a basket, enters and says that the morning smiles on the frowning night. Before the sun can rise, he must fill this wicker basket with deadly weeds and healing flowers. There isn't anything that isn't useful on the earth. Good can turn to bad when it is misused, and sometimes evil can be made right by right action. The flower he picks will strengthen him if smelled, but will kill him if he eats it. Romeo enters, and the Friar notices that he is worried. He said that he slept well, and Friar Lawrence asks him if he was with Rosaline. He tells Friar Lawrence about Juliet. He asks if Friar Lawrence will marry the two today. Friar Lawrence declares that young men's love lies not in their heart, but in their eyes. He tells him that women may fall when men don't have the strength to catch them. He says that Juliet gives him kindness and love while Rosaline did not. Friar Lawrence says that Rosaline knew too well that he was merely repeating words he didn't mean.

Scene IV: A street. Benvolio and Mercutio enter, looking for Romeo. Mercutio says that Rosaline torments him so much he'll sure go crazy. Tybalt sent a letter to Romeo, probably challenging him to a duel. Mercutio says that Romeo is already dead from Cupid's arrow. Benvolio asks about Tybalt, and Mercutio says that he is not just the prince of cats- he's the brave master of all the laws of etiquette. He fights as one would sing from a music sheet. He is a duelist from the best school of fencing. Romeo enters, and Mercutio says that he looks like a fish that just spawned, like a dried herring. Mercutio says that compared to Rosaline, Petrarch's lover was a kitchen maid, Dido was drab, Cleopatra deceitful, Helen and Hero good for nothing whores. Mercutio says that Romeo surely did give them the slip the night before. Mercutio says that Romeo will have to bow from the hips. Mercutio tells Romeo that his wit is like a tart apple: it makes very sharp sauce. Romeo sees Juliet's nurse coming with her servant, PETER. Peter has the nurse's fan. The nurse asks where she can find young Romeo, and Romeo replies that young Romeo will be older when you have found him than when he started looking for him. Benvolio uses a malapropism, saying that the nurse would indite him to supper. Mercutio sings a song about an old rabbit harlot. Mercutio and Benvolio leave, and Romeo say that Mercutio is a gentleman who loves to hear himself talk. The nurse says that she'll beat him up if he says anything bad about her. She chides Peter for not standing up for her. Romeo tells the nurse that at Friar Laurence's cell Juliet shall receive absolution and be married. The nurse tells Romeo about how Paris wants to marry Juliet.

Scene V: Capulet's orchard. Juliet worries that it is noon and the nurse has not returned. The nurse and Peter return, and she sends Peter away. The nurse says that Juliet has made a foolish choice; she doesn't know how to choose a man. She says that Romeo wasn't very courteous. The nurse has a headache. The nurse tells Juliet to hurry to Friar Laurence's cell to be married under the guise of going to confession.

Scene VI: Friar Lawrence prays that heaven smiles on Romeo's marriage. He says that violent passions have violent ends and in triumph they die. Juliet enters. She says that those who can verbalize their happiness have little happiness to speak of. He says that he will make the ceremony short.

Act II

Scene I: A public place. Benvolio urges Mercutio to leave, because there are Capulets about. Mercutio tells Benvolio that he is like a man who enters a bar, throws his sword on the table, and prays he'll have no reason to use it, then after becoming drunk, will draw the sword on the waiter who has brought wine for no reason at all. Mercutio says that Benvolio is often moody and quick to be moved because his head is full of quarrels. Benvolio accuses Mercutio of being a quarreler as well. Tybalt and PETRUCHIO enter. Mercutio tries to provoke him, but Tybalt says he will only fight if he gives a real reason. Tybalt asks if Mercutio 'consorts' with Romeo, and Mercutio asks if that makes them musicians. (consort means a company of musicians). Benvolio warns Mercutio not to provoke Tybalt unnecessarily because he is making a scene. Romeo enters, and Mercutio tells Tybalt that Romeo certainly would duel with him. The best thing that Tybalt can call Romeo is a villain. Romeo says that he is not, and that Tybalt doesn't really know him. He tells Romeo to draw his sword, but Romeo protests for he never harmed Tybalt and loves him more than he can understand yet, and that he honors the Capulet name as dearly as his own. Mercutio does not understand why Romeo seems to be submitting to Tybalt, and challenges Tybalt himself, calling him the 'king of cats' and vowing to take one of his nine lives. They both draw, but Romeo prays for them to stop. He tells Benvolio to beat down both of their weapons. Romeo reaches to stop them, stabs Mercutio, and runs away. Mercutio says that if they ask for him tomorrow, they will find a grave man. Romeo thought that he was doing the right thing in trying to pull Tybalt away. Mercutio damns both the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo thinks that Juliet's beauty has made him act like a woman and weakened his courage. Benvolio returns, and tells Romeo that Mercutio's dead. Romeo predicts that this is not the only sorrow to come. Tybalt reenters, and Romeo demands Tybalt to take back the insult and to fight him. Romeo kills Tybalt. Benvolio tells Romeo to run, for the prince will sentence him to death if captured. A citizen charges Benvolio after Romeo flees. Benvolio tells Prince Escalus what has happened when he, the Montagues and the Capulets enter. Lady Capulet demands that the Montague that did this be slain. Benvolio tells Escalus about Mercutio's death and Romeo's avenging of it. Lady Capulet says that Benvolio's affection for the Montagues makes him lie. Escalus says that Romeo slew Tybalt, but Tybalt killed Mercutio, and asks who has to pay for Mercutio's death. Montague says that Romeo did what he should: he killed the murderer Tybalt. The Prince exiles Romeo, and penalizes all with a heavy fine.

Scene II: Capulet's orchard. Juliet prays for the sun to set so Romeo can return and they can make love. The nurse enters, with the ropes that Romeo told her to fetch. She throws them down, and tells Juliet that he is dead and that they are ruined. Juliet thinks that the nurse is a devil for tormenting her. She wonders if Romeo has killed himself. The nurse says that she saw the wound on his breast. He was pale and covered in clotted blood. Juliet says that she shall end her life and join Romeo in his grave. The nurse cries over Tybalt. The nurse explains that Tybalt is dead, but Romeo is banished. Juliet wonders how Romeo can hide a serpent's heart with such a beautiful face. The nurse says that all men are dissemblers. She needs a drink, and says that shame comes to Romeo. Juliet hopes that the nurse's tongue blisters for saying such a thing, and reproaches herself for speaking badly about Romeo. She wonders why he killed Tybalt. She realizes that Tybalt could have killed Romeo just as easily. The word "banished" equals the death of ten thousand Tybalts for her. Juliet says that she will cry over Tybalt when her parents stop. She says that now death, not Romeo, will take her virginity. The nurse tells her that she will find Romeo to comfort her, for she knows her he is, at Laurence's cell. She gives her a ring to give to Romeo.

Scene III: Friar Laurence tells Romeo that pain is in love with him and he is married to trouble. Friar Laurence tells him that he is merely banished, and not to be executed. He thinks exile is worse than death. Romeo feels that there is no world outside of Verona but purgatory and torture. He feels that banishment is death mis-termed. Friar Laurence tells Romeo that he is speaking a deadly sin, and is rude and unthankful for the prince was kind. Romeo says that heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and now every living thing can look on her but he. Flies can sit on her hands, but he can never see her. Romeo asks for poison or a quick way of dying. Friar Laurence says that he will give some armor to shield him from the banishment and to comfort her. He tells Laurence to stop philosophizing, unless it can make Juliet, move Verona, or reverse the sentence. Friar Laurence tells him that it is true that madmen have no ears. Romeo says that wise men have no eyes. Romeo says that he cannot sympathize with him because he is not young. There is a knocking on the door, but Romeo refuses to hide. The nurse enters. Friar Laurence tells her that Romeo is drunk with his own tears, lying on the ground. Romeo worries that Juliet thinks him a murderer. Romeo feels that it's like his name shot from a gun murdered Juliet as his hand murdered Tybalt. Romeo tries to stab himself, but the Nurse takes the dagger away. Friar Laurence says that his tears are womanish and his actions are irrational, and chides him for being so foolish. He tells Romeo to go to his love, but leave before the night guards come to duty for then he couldn't escape to Mantua where he will live until they can find a time to announce the marriage and reconcile his friends. The Nurse agrees with the Friar's good advice. The nurse gives Romeo the ring. Friar Laurence tells Romeo that he must leave before the guards are posted at the gates, or leave in a disguise at daybreak. Romeo says that if he weren't going to Juliet, he would be sad to leave the Friar.

Scene IV: A room in Capulet's house. Capulet worries that things have been so crazy that he hasn't had time to talk with his daughter. He tells Paris that Juliet won't come down tonight, for she is asleep and he would be, too, if Paris had not come. Paris says that the times of woe give no time to woo. Capulet tells Paris that he will make an offer of his daughter's love, for he thinks she'll obey him. He tells Lady Capulet to go to Juliet and tell her of Paris' love and to say that next Wednesday (it is Monday), actually Thursday, they shall be married. They won't have a big wedding, for such joy would be an insult to Tybalt's death. They'll only invite six friends.

Scene V: Capulet's orchard. Juliet and Romeo are on the balcony, and she asks him to stay a bit longer. It was the nightingale, and not the lark which sang to them. Romeo says it was the lark, the herald of the morning, and that he must be gone and live, or stay and die. Juliet says that it is not day-light, but some meteor which will light the road to Mantua. Romeo says that he will risk capture to stay a bit longer, but Juliet tells him to go, for it is the lark's unpleasant song. The nurse enters, and warns Juliet that Lady Capulet is coming to her bedroom. Romeo descends. They vow to meet again soon. Juliet has a feeling of doom, for Romeo looks pale. He says that sorrow drinks his blood. Juliet says that Fortune should be fickle, and not keep Romeo away long. Lady Capulet enters, and Juliet says that she is not well. Lady Capulet thinks that she is mourning over Tybalt. Lady Capulet says that some grief reveals deep love, but too much reveals a lack of intelligence. Lady Capulet thinks that she is crying for the villain who lives rather than for Tybalt. Juliet says that she has pardoned Romeo, yet no man grieves her more. She says that she wishes only her hands could avenge her cousin's death. Lady Capulet says that she will send a message to Mantua for someone to give trouble to Romeo. Juliet says that she will never be satisfied with Romeo until she sees him dead. She tells her mother that she wishes to see Romeo to pour the love that she felt for Tybalt on Romeo. Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Paris wants to marry her and that the date has been set for next Thursday. Juliet says that Paris shall not make her a joyful bride, and she wonders at the haste that she must wed. She vows not to marry yet, and says that she would rather marry Romeo than Paris. Capulet enters, and wonders why Juliet is still crying. Lady Capulet says that she won't marry Paris, and Capulet wonders why she isn't proud and count herself lucky. Juliet says that she is thankful for her parents' concern, but she can never be proud of what she hates. Capulet thinks that she is a spoiled child, and she will marry Paris anyway. Lady Capulet thinks her husband is crazy. Juliet tells her father to hear her with patience. Capulet calls her a minx and a wretch and says that she will marry Paris or never see him again. His fingers itch to hit her. The nurse blames Capulet for speaking so harshly. He tells the nurse to shut her mouth and to go gossip with her old cronies. Capulet thinks that she is being ungrateful and tells her to go where she wants, for she will not live here. He leaves. Juliet wonders if there is any pity in heaven that can understand her grief. She implores her mother not to cast her away and to delay the marriage for a month or a week, or if not to make her bridal bed in a tomb where Tybalt lies. Lady Capulet refuses to speak with her. Juliet asks the nurse how the marriage can be prevented. She denounces heaven for playing such cruel tricks on a person as weak as she. The nurse tells her that she should marry Count Paris, for Romeo will never return to her. She says that even if Romeo is a better person, which she does not believe, he is as good as dead. The nurse says that she is speaking from her heart. Juliet tells the nurse to tell Lady Capulet that she has gone to confession for displeasing her father. After the nurse leaves, Juliet damns her for abandoning her. She will get the Friar's advice, and if everything else fails, will commit suicide.

Act IV

Scene I: Friar Laurence's cell. Friar Laurence tells Paris that Thursday is not very much time to plan the wedding, but Paris says that Capulet wants it that way. Friar Laurence does not like that Paris doesn't know what Juliet thinks about the marriage. Paris says that Juliet is weeping immoderately about Tybalt's death, so he has had little time to talk about love. Capulet thinks it is so dangerous that he is rushing the marriage to stop her grief. Friar Laurence wishes privately that he didn't know the true reason the wedding must be slowed. Juliet enters, and Paris calls her his wife. Juliet says that he can call her that when it is actually true. She says "what must be, shall be." Paris asks if she is coming to confess to the father, but she says that telling him that would be a confession to him. She says that she will confess to Paris that she loves the Friar. Paris mentions her tear-stained face, and she says that the tears have made little difference because her face was unattractive before she cried. Paris says that she wrongs her face with a statement. She denies that she has slandered her face, for what she said was truthful and direct. Paris says that her face is his, and he has slandered it. She says that he may be right, because her face is not her own. Friar Laurence asks Paris to leave the two alone. Paris kisses her, then leaves. Juliet says that she is beyond hope and beyond cure. Juliet tells the friar not to mention the marriage to Paris unless he can prevent it. If he cannot, she will use her knife against herself. Friar Laurence says that he sees some hope, but it is as dangerous as the danger they are trying to prevent. He tells Juliet to go home and give her consent to marry Paris. That night, she is to take a bottle of distilled liquor and drink it. Her pulse will stop and she will appear dead. She will then be taken to the Capulet vault, and before she awakes, Romeo will learn through a letter the plan. He will return and take her to Mantua.

Scene II: Hall in Capulet's house. Capulet orders the servants to invite the people on a list and hire twenty cooks. The servant says that all the cooks will lick their fingers, a sign that they are exemplary chefs. Capulet hopes that Friar Laurence will talk some sense into Juliet. Juliet enters with a happy look. She tells Capulet that she has learned to repent her sin of disobedience and will do whatever he says. Capulet says to send for the County and tell him about this. Juliet says that she met Paris at Laurence's cell, and gave him the most love she could without overstepping the bounds of modesty. Juliet and the nurse exit, and Capulet is ecstatic because his wayward daughter has been reclaimed.

Scene III: Juliet's room. Juliet tells the nurse to leave her be that night, because she must beg forgiveness for her earlier sins. She tells Lady Capulet to have the nurse help her. Juliet says a silent farewell to Lady Capulet and Nurse, for she does not know when she will see them again. Juliet worries that the potion will not work or that it is poison that the Friar has subtly given to her to kill her. She worries that she will awake before Romeo comes to redeem her. She fears being trapped in the vault and going mad. She drinks the potion.

Scene IV: Hall in Capulet's house. The Capulets are busy with the wedding preparations. The nurse tells Capulet to get to bed or tomorrow he'll be sick. He says that he has stayed up all night before, and it has never affected him. Lady Capulet says that he has been a woman-chaser in his day but she'll see that he doesn't keep those late hours anymore. Capulet orders the servants to get dry logs and calls one a logger-head. He orders the nurse to waken Juliet and get her dressed.

Scene V: Juliet's room. The nurse goes to awake Juliet. She thinks Juliet should sleep now, because Paris won't let her sleep during their honeymoon. She finds Juliet, and thinks that she is dead. She screams, seeing the liquor, and calls Lady Capulet. Lady Capulet says that she will die with her daughter. Friar Laurence and Paris enter. Capulet tells them that Juliet is dead. He says that Death is his son-in-law, for he has married Juliet. Paris inveighs against Death for seducing and killing Juliet. Friar Laurence tells them to calm, for the remedy to their confusion lies not in such confusion. He says that heaven has all of her, and it is better. They wanted the best for her: to marry a nobleman. He tells them to dry their tears and pin rosemary to her corpse, then take her in her best clothes to the church. Capulet says that all they planned for the wedding will be used for the funeral. Friar Laurence tells them not to cross the heavens further, but to obey their will and take her to the tomb. The musicians pack up to go home, but Peter tells them to play "Heart's Ease." They refuse to even play this sad song. Peter and the musicians argue. SIMON CATLING says that music has a silver sound because silver has a sweet song. HUGH REBECK says that it has a silver sound because musicians play for silver. JAMES SOUNDPOST does not know what to say. Peter says that it has a silver sound because musicians get no gold for playing.

Act V

Scene I: Mantua. Romeo predicts that he is about to receive some joyful news. He dreamed that Juliet came and found him dead and breathed life into him with kisses. Balthasar enters. He tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. He plans to leave, but Balthasar tells him to be patient. Romeo decides to go to an apothecary, a thin man worn by misery. The APOTHECARY enters, and gives him forty ducats for poison. He says that he has deadly drugs, but it is illegal to sell them. Romeo wonders why someone so pale and wretched fears death. The Apothecary gives him the poison, and he gives him the gold, worse poison to men's souls.

Scene II: Friar Laurence's cell. FRIAR JOHN enters, and Laurence asks him what Romeo has said. He says that he did not go to Mantua, for another friar who was to accompany him fell sick. He could not find a messenger because all were too afraid of infection. Friar Laurence orders Friar John to bring him a crowbar. He says that he must go to the monument alone and wake Juliet. He will write again to Mantua and keep Juliet at his cell until Romeo comes.

Scene III: A churchyard with the Capulet tomb. Paris is there secretly to cover Juliet's bridal bed with flowers. His page whistles, the signal that someone is approaching. He hides. Romeo and Balthasar enter with a torch, a pickaxe, and a crowbar. He tells Balthasar to take the letter to his father early in the morning. Romeo is there to bid farewell to Juliet and to take her ring. He tells Balthasar that if he pries into what Romeo is doing, he will kill him. Romeo looks upon the tomb and calls in a detestable stomach and a tomb of death gorged with the dearest morsel on earth. Paris sees Romeo. He thinks that Juliet died from grieving over Tybalt. He tries to stop Romeo, and tells him that he will die. Romeo says that he will, but tells Paris to leave and not let him sin again. He tries to arrest Romeo. They fight, and he kills Paris. Before he dies, he asks him to open the tomb and let him lay beside Juliet. Romeo thinks upon how men are often happy at the point of death. He drinks the poison and dies. Friar Laurence enters, and sees Romeo. Balthasar says that he dreamed that Romeo fought with another man and killed him. Friar Laurence sees Romeo and Paris dead. Juliet rises, and asks where Romeo is. Friar Laurence tells her what has happened. He says that he will hide her in a convent. Juliet says that she will not stay. She sees the poison . A WATCH and Paris' page enter. Juliet snatches Romeo's dagger and stabs herself. The guard finds them dead. Friar Laurence was found shaking, sighing and trembling. Prince Escalus enters with the Capulets. There was commotion in Verona, with people screaming "Romeo," "Juliet," and "Paris." Capulet thinks the dagger has missed the right victim and has been mistakenly placed in their daughter's breast. Montague enters, and says that his wife has died from sorrow from her son's exile. Prince Escalus orders all of the suspects to be rounded up. Friar Laurence says that he is the most important suspect. He says that he will both charge himself and clear himself of blame. He says that Romeo and Juliet were married, and their wedding day was Tybalt's doomsday. He tells the entire story. He says that the nurse was the only other person who knew. Balthasar says that he brought Romeo the news of Juliet's death. Balthasar gives the letter to Escalus. Prince Escalus tells Capulet and Montague to look upon the scourge that is laid from their hate. All have been punished. Capulet asks Montague to give him his hand in peace as his daughter's dowry. Montague vows to raise a statue of Juliet in pure gold, and Capulet says that he will make one of Romeo. Prince Escalus says that it is a glooming peace that the morning brings.